
Heavy metals remediation in wastewater and groundwater by metal oxides, activated charcoal, and EDTA

Introduction Water contamination due to heavy metals is a pressing environmental concern, impacting both groundwater and wastewater systems. Heavy metals such as copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), lead (Pb), arsenic (As), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), boron (B), and aluminum (Al) pose significant risks to human health and the ecosystem when present in excess concentrations. These metals …

Heavy metals remediation in wastewater and groundwater by metal oxides, activated charcoal, and EDTA Read More »

Assessment of trace metal elements in selected Plants around the vicinity of Ebedei Gas Flaring Station located at Ebedei Village, Ukwani Local Government Area, Delta State, Nigeria

Introduction Trace metal analysis is a crucial part of environmental pollution studies [4, 12, 16].Plants growing in contaminated environments can accumulate trace elements at high quantities, which poses a major risk to people, even though some trace metals are essential for plant nutrition [15]. The core source of trace metals to plants is the air …

Assessment of trace metal elements in selected Plants around the vicinity of Ebedei Gas Flaring Station located at Ebedei Village, Ukwani Local Government Area, Delta State, Nigeria Read More »

The Role of Maize-Peanut Intercropping in Sustainable Agriculture and Efficiency in  Sandy Soil Environments

IntroductionAgriculture is the backbone of the global food system, providing sustenance for millions ofpeople worldwide. However, increasing population growth, climate change, and landdegradation have placed significant pressure on agricultural systems to ensure food security,environmental sustainability, and economic resilience. Among the various strategies beingexplored to address these challenges, intercropping has emerged as a promising practice.Intercropping refers …

The Role of Maize-Peanut Intercropping in Sustainable Agriculture and Efficiency in  Sandy Soil Environments Read More »

Biopolymers-based Electrochemical Sensors: An Overview of Synthesis and Applications

The development of Sensor technology has been a key driver in advancing numerous Scientific and Industrial fields, from healthcare to Environmental monitoring. Electrochemical Biosensors are basic apparatus that convert biological data generated by a redox reaction into an Electrical Signal [1]. Through the identification of several bio-analytes and Chemicals, they are crucial in detection of …

Biopolymers-based Electrochemical Sensors: An Overview of Synthesis and Applications Read More »

Exalted Level of Nitrogen Metabolism In the Presence of Sodium Sulphide in Nostocellipososporum under Thermal Stress

Introduction Cyanobacteria are believed to be ubiquitous, inhabiting a broader range of environments than any other organism on Earth. They can thrive in varied environmental conditions, such as hot water  springs, hypersaline areas, chilling climates, and   deserts. Additionally, they are commonly found in freshwater, marine, and terrestrial ecosystems  [70,40]. One of the most remarkable features …

Exalted Level of Nitrogen Metabolism In the Presence of Sodium Sulphide in Nostocellipososporum under Thermal Stress Read More »

Effect of mulching practice as soil moisture conservation for tomato(Lycopersicon esculentumMill.) production under supplemental irrigation in Yabello district of Borana zone, Ethiopia

Introduction Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is a vegetal of countless economic overgrownworldwide and is commercially cultivated on all over continents (Biswas et al., 2015). Tomato is an essential element in the diet of the world population as it has high levels of lycopene and minerals, resulting in benefits to human health(Hashmi et al., 2015). Yet, …

Effect of mulching practice as soil moisture conservation for tomato(Lycopersicon esculentumMill.) production under supplemental irrigation in Yabello district of Borana zone, Ethiopia Read More »

Characterization of Soil and Growth Response of Rice on Different Positions along the Toposequence in Awka, Anambra State

INTRODUCTION Soils are unrenewable natural resources that vary in their properties and composition spatially across the landscape and vertically down the soil profile (Brady & Weil., 2010., Brubaker et al., 1993). However, soil variation is a function of various factors, including climate, living organisms, parent materials, topography, and time. Within a locality, the topography may …

Characterization of Soil and Growth Response of Rice on Different Positions along the Toposequence in Awka, Anambra State Read More »

Biological response of Anticarsia gemmatalis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to Bacillus thuringiensis berliner var. kurstaki at sublethal concentrations

INTRODUÇÃO Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] has great social and economic value as one of the largest vegetable oil sources with low cost and high protein content for human and animal consumption [3]. Anticarsia gemmatalis Hubner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), a key pest of the soybean crops in Brazil and other American countries, causes extreme defoliation with …

Biological response of Anticarsia gemmatalis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to Bacillus thuringiensis berliner var. kurstaki at sublethal concentrations Read More »

Studies on biopolymer -Based Nanocomposites reinforced with metallic Nanoparticles

INTRODUCTION  The size and shape of metallic nanoparticles are the most crucial characteristics that influence their application. The specific uses of metallic nanoparticles depend on their size, shape, and the synthesis method employed. All metallic nanoparticles (MNPs) are particularly appealing due to their unique properties and wide range of applications. It is well established that …

Studies on biopolymer -Based Nanocomposites reinforced with metallic Nanoparticles Read More »

Risk Assessment and Heavy Metals Accumulation in Organs of Clarias Gariepinus and Heterobranchus Longifilis from Omambala River, Anambra State Nigeria

INTRODUCTION In the recent times, there has been reports on the risks associated with the consumption of heavy metal-contaminated foods across the globe. This has triggered interest in determining heavy metal levels in the marine environmen1. Attention has also been directed to the determination of heavy metals contamination in public foods especially fish and other …

Risk Assessment and Heavy Metals Accumulation in Organs of Clarias Gariepinus and Heterobranchus Longifilis from Omambala River, Anambra State Nigeria Read More »