Intercropping, the practice of cultivating two or more crops together, offers numerous
advantages, including enhanced resource utilization, increased biodiversity, and improved
yield stability. This review focuses on the intercropping efficiency of maize hybrids and
peanuts under sandy soil conditions, exploring their agronomic, ecological, and economic
benefits. Maize-peanut intercropping has been shown to optimize resource use, improve soil
health, and enhance water use efficiency, peanuts' nitrogen-fixing ability enriches the soil,
reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers. The review also highlights the potential for
increased yield, improved pest and disease management, and sustainable agricultural
practices. Key factors such as crop compatibility, growth dynamics, nutrient competition, and
economic returns are discussed. This cropping system offers promising prospects for
sustainable agriculture in sandy soils, contributing to soil fertility, reduced input costs, and
increased farm profitability.